My dream of freedom

I dream of being free, traveling the world. I want travel to be my life, my job, how I earn my living. The world is such a big place, there is so much to see and understand. Seeing how different people live, challenging myself to get in contact with them and pushing myself to the limit of my sanity by going alone.

I have traveled a little bit alone, one month in Thailand (backpacking) and one and a halv in Denmark and Spain (on a bicycle). But I want more, I need more. I long to wake up not knowing what will happen that day, were I would go, what unusual things I could find myself doing and which mind absorbing people I could meet. Only in traveling (and love) have I experienced a challenge and excitement to a degree that has left me shaking.

Right now I am living in a small town working normal hours, 5 days a week. I have started a business with one of my best friends, where I am a CEO with command over 4 employees. We are doing pretty good and out of the normal jobs out there this one is actually exciting, but still I feel like I am in this prison. The job is just not good enough, even though I learn so much and get to challenge myself it does not come close to the challenge of my dream.

For years I have pondered how I can make my dream work, but I am just not making it happen. There is always some excuse, like I need a car to do it (because of my dog) or my job needs me right now, or I haven’t saved enough money, or nobody wants to buy my house when it is in this condition etc. Whatever comes in the way I am left thinking that there’s always time for it later, but now I am over 30 years and it feels like I have wasted my life to do things I don’t even care about.


So in an attempt to change my life, to be happy and a inspiration for others to find their happiness, I decided to start this blog. A blog about how I (despite my own sabotage) am following my dream one step at a time.

Please feel free to give me tips on what I should do. Maybe you are in the same situation and we should combine our sources. Let me know.
